Frequently Asked Questions

What if we need to cancel our reservation?

If you must cancel your reservation and it is more than 30 days from the rental period start date you are entitled to a full refund minus the processing fee. Processing fee is non-refundable. If you must cancel your reservation within 30 days from the rental period start date , you will be offered a credit only for rental amount for an entire year. If not used within the year period, you will forfeit 100% of your reservation deposit.

Can we reschedule our current reservation?

Yes you may reschedule reservation as calendar permits. If reservation is less than 16 days from rental period, you will forfeit any amount paid. Keep in mind that peak and holidays may have a price difference.

How long before we get our deposit back?

We ask for at least 72 hours for unit to be inspected by technician and cleaning crew. Deposit is not a hard charge, only a pending hold so you will not see a refund to your account. Processing transaction will just disappear. If there is a deduction to your deposit. That charge will be the only one that you will see on you bank statement.

Are pets allow in the units?

Yes some of our units are pet friendly; we do have a $200 refundable pet deposit. If there are no pet findings. Any pet hair (shedding) in unit will automatically be a charge for pet fee. Please remember we are incredibly careful with our clients are prone to allergies. If any pet findings are in the unit we must get the unit completely sterilized from an outsource for our next renter.

Do I need to bring my own hitch?

No we do provide hitch, weight distribution and sway bar. Hitch height is not comparable with all vehicles, you are welcome to use your own hitch if desired.

Are all unit 30 amp connection?

No most of our units are standard 30amp, we have 4 units that are 50amps.

What happens if we do not dump units tanks?

We have a strict $100 dumping fee, we ask for units to come back empty after your trip. Dumping fee is charged if unit is not dump or clogged.

What are times for pickup and Dropoff?

Our pickup times is starting 3pm-4pm drop off times are by 11am. Our office will contact you to schedule pickup time that best works for you.

Will there be someone there to show us the unit?

Yes our staff will be there to help you connect to your vehicle and do a full walkthrough of unit.